Winners of Awards of Excellence

updated: 30.03.2023

Winners of Awards of Excellence

Winners of Awards of Excellence 2021-2022




Meir Talia 

Scholarships for master’s degrees for outstanding women in hi-techCouncil for Higher Education


Avni Yael

Clore Scholar

Baron Dalya

Adams Fellowships

Vizner Stern Maayan 

Quantum science and technology excellence Student Scholarships, Council of Higher Education

Jeffet Jonathan

Azrieli Fellowship

Cohen Itamar

Ministry of Science and Technology Fellowship

Levy Noam 

The Milner Foundation awards fellowships to PhD students

Majlin Roni

Quantum science and technology excellence Student Scholarships, Council of Higher Education

Silber Itai  

The Milner Foundation awards fellowships to PhD students

Azses Daniel

The Milner Foundation awards fellowships to PhD students

Feldman Noa

Azrieli Fellowship

Karnieli Aviv

Adams Fellowships

Amir Burshtein

Adams Fellowships

Shachar Fraenkel

Azrieli Fellowship





Winners of Awards of Excellence 2020-2021>


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2018-2019>


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2017-2018>


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2016-2017 >


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2014-2015 >


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2013-2014 >


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2012-2013>

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