Teaching & Research Positions

updated: 16.11.2015

Teaching & Research Positions

Teaching Assistant Positions:

The School of Physics and Astronomy is offering to outstanding students, in the third year of their B.Sc. studies, the possibility to work as homework graders. For more information please contact Ms. Yakira Navaty during the summer vacation (June-September):

Yakira Navaty

Scholarship Secretary

Shenkar Physics, Room 210

Tel. 03-6408310/4282



Student Summer Project

A Summer Project is offered to students with high grades, who completed the second or third year of their B.Sc. studies and plan to continue their studies at the School of Physics and Astronomy. The School offers those students the opportunity to take part in research conducted at the School laboratories during summer break. Those students will receive a scholarship.
For further details:

Yakira Navaty

Scholarship Secretary

Shenkar Physics, Room 210

Tel. 03-6408310/4282





Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801