Collaborations with International Research Centers

updated: 16.11.2015

Participation in International Research Centers

Both faculty and graduate students at the School of Physics and Astronomy are currently taking part in research projects at several large-scale research facilities abroad:

  • Experimental research in particle physics as part of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, and the BABAR collaboration at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the USA.

  • Experimental research in nuclear physics at the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory facility.

  • The LHC Tier-2 computing center co-located at Tel Aviv University is part of the WLCG computing grid supporting the particle physics work of researchers around the world.

  • Computational research in particle physics in the framework of supercomputing projects such as XSEDE USQCD, LinkSCEEM and PRACE.

  • Research on the properties and uses of materials in highmagnetic fields at the MagnetLab HLD Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory LNCMI, le Laboratoire national des champs magnétiques intenses and at NIJMEGEN.

  • Research that uses intense x-rays produced by synchrotron and light sources at ESRF (the European Synchronton Research Facility, Synchronton SOLEIL in France, DESY Synchronton Germany, the DIAMOND synchrotron in the UK, and the SESAME Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, in Jordan.


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