MSc Program in Physics
The M.Sc. program covers theoretical and experimental research in all areas of modern physics including Astronomy & Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Particle and Nuclear Physics.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the M.Sc. Program requires a B.Sc. in Physics, or in a closely related program, with grade point average (GPA) of 85 or higher. Supplementary undergraduate courses may be required, depending on the extent and quality of the applicant's B.Sc. course work.
Study Program
Program requirements consist of course work, a research thesis, and participation in a weekly departmental seminar (in the area of specialization) and weekly Colloquium. Graduate courses include three core classes, and several electives, totaling at least 28 semester-hours. Completion of all program requirements is expected within two years for a theoretical thesis, and two and a half years for an experimental one. (An extension may be granted in special cases.)
The course program will be determined in consultation with the faculty adviser in the area of specialization. The planned course list for each academic year must be approved by the faculty advisor and the M.Sc. Studies Committee. Failure to pass two graduate courses will result in termination of M.Sc. studies.
Each student needs to select a research field and a School faculty member who will propose a thesis topic and supervise the research. With the approval of the M.Sc. Studies Committee, a Tel Aviv University faculty member outside the School may serve as supervisor. The selection of research field and supervisor must be made by the end of the second semester of studies. Inability to find a thesis supervisor by that time will result in termination of studies, unless an extension is granted by the M.Sc. Studies Committee.
In conducting thesis research, the student needs to demonstrate independent thinking and to carry out scientific analyses. The thesis, which should consist of a well-written description of the topic and the results of the research, is then submitted for evaluation. An additional requirment is for the candidates to present their findings orally at a departmental seminar.
The thesis can also consist of scientific papers accepted for publication in recognized journals. For this option, which requires advance approval from the M.Sc. Studies Committee, the thesis supervisor should submit a letter in which the specific contributions of the student to the work in the published papers are described, and it is explicitly stated that these are equivalent, in both extent and quality, to what is required for a M.Sc. thesis.
Final Examination and Grade
The thesis will be evaluated by the supervisor and two other examiners selected by the M.Sc. Studies Committee. After the written evaluations of all the examiners have been received, and completion of all other degree requirements, candidates are required to pass an oral exam on all topics related to the thesis and to the specific area of research.
The final MSc grade will be weighted as follows:
50% - graduate course GPA
30% - thesis grade
20% - thesis oral exam grade
Regulations and updates
Student regulations appear in the Course Catalog in Hebrwe (Yedion), University Guidlines in Hebrew and in the amendments that are published on the web and updated online.