Academic Programs - General Information

updated: 04.08.2024

Academic Programs - General Information

Academic programs

The Department's motto is 'study what you love'. The School of Physics and Astronomy offers students a variety of academic programs towards a B.Sc. degree. These include physics as a single major, or double-major programs combining physics with mathematics, computer science, geosciences, chemistry, electrical engineering or life sciences. The goal of the combined and double-major programs is to allow students to combine two fields of interest, while still acquiring a solid background in physics. This allows students to integrate into industry or continue on to a higher academic degree in many fields. All programs are 3 years long, except for the combined Physics and Electrical Engineering Program that lasts 4 years.


Regulations and updates

Student rules and regulations can be found in the Course Catalog in Hebrew (Yedion), the University Guidlines in Hebrew and the amendments that are published on the web and updated online.



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