Congratulation to Gili Scharf for receiving the Nova scholarship in the field of physics

Gili Scharf is a PhD student under the guidance of Dr' Alon Ron at the Department of CM at the school of Physics & Astronomy

Congratulation to Gili Scharf for receiving the Nova scholarship in the field of physics


Her research focused on crystals in which there is a strong coupling between the electronic, spin, and lattice degrees freedom by using optical and transport measurements, while trying to use the strong interactions in those systems to control statically and dynamically the phase of the matter.


The two main methods that I use in my research are: 

  1. Conducting high-pressure transport measurements - in this manner I change the lattice structure significantly (even drive structural phase transitions) and observe its impact on the electronic and spin states of the matter.

  2. Conducting optical pump-probe measurements - by using this technique, I excite electrons, thus changing the electronic state, and observe its impact on the spin and lattice degrees of freedom as a function of the time from the electronic excitation.



Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801