Financial Support for PhD Students

updated: 16.11.2015

Financial Support for Ph.D. Students

Interested students should fill out the Ph.D. teaching assistant position and/or financial aid scholarship form (Hebrew). Please include a transcript and submit to the Teaching & Scholarship Coordinator, on or before the end of June.

Students interested in a teaching assistant position alone should fill out the P.hD. teaching assistant form (Hebrew) and send it to the Teaching & Scholarship Coordinator.


Eligibility for teaching assistant positions and scholarships:

Financial support for Ph.D. students is available through teaching assistant positions and/or scholarships:

  1. Teaching assistant positions – Teaching assistants are employed as laboratory instructors or recitation assistants. Students may apply for TA positions until the beginning of October. Employment of teaching assistants is also conditional upon review of their teaching performance.

  2. Scholarship – Research student scholarships are jointly funded by the school and the advisor. Extension of scholarships is conditioned upon passing the candidacy exam two years or less from the day of enrollment in the Ph.D. program.


Scholarships and Teaching Assistants:

The scholarship and teaching assistant position last during the first four years of studies.

Students in experimental fields of research are entitled to an extension of their teaching assistant position only by an additional semester (altogether 9 semesters).

Scholarship recipients must devote most of their time to fulfilling their academic and research requirements.

In addition, students receive a fixed amount of funding annually from the Kishrei Mada Fund for travel to scientific conferences, workshops and summer schools in Israel and abroad.


General information and scholarships:

More information is available on the academic secretariat webpage. Support for scholarship recipients (Hebrew)​ can be found at the Research Students Department webpage.


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