Welcome to the Department of Particle Physics

Tel Aviv University Physics students on a visit to the ATLAS detector at CERN
Tel Aviv University Physics students on a visit to the ATLAS detector at CERN
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN
The BABAR detector at SLAC
The BABAR detector at SLAC
Testing of solid-state sensors for a future particle detector
Testing of solid-state sensors for a future particle detector
One of the giant muon-trigger wheels of the ATLAS detector
One of the giant muon-trigger wheels of the ATLAS detector
A proton-proton collision at ATLAS studied for the possible decay of a new heavy particle into two top quarks
A proton-proton collision at ATLAS studied for the possible decay of a new heavy particle into two top quarks
Minimal surface in a higher-dimensional holographic space-time dual to stongly coupled scattering amplitude
Minimal surface in a higher-dimensional holographic space-time dual to stongly coupled scattering amplitude
Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801