Winners of Awards of Excellence 2017-2018

updated: 23.06.2019

Winners of Awards of Excellence


Pictures from the 2018 ceremony >


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2017-2018


Excellence in Research

Nadav Joseph Outmezguine


Godhaber Scholarship

Or Gottlieb


Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship

Meytal Duer


Judah Eisenberg Scholarship

Ofer Doron


Getty Scholarship

Liran Hareli


Alex Schneidman & Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Itamar Hason


Alex Schneidman & Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Sivan Trajtenberg-Mills


Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship

Lior Liram


Alexander Zaks Scholarship

Aviad Landau


Wladimir Screiber & Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Michael Mograbi


Wladimir Screiber Scholarship

Asaf Farhi


Yuval Ne'eman Scholarship

Itamar Reis


Avraham & Devora Cohen Scholarship

Sahar Shahaf


Wladimir Screiber Scholarship







Excellence in Teaching

Uri Arieli


Getty Scholarship

Eyal Bahar


Getty Scholarship

Meir Zeilig Hess


Getty Scholarship

Ehud Haimov


Getty Scholarship

Guy Jacoby


Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship

Aviad Cohen


Getty Scholarship

Harel Cohen


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Erga Lifshitz


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Amir Aawawdi


Paul Viderman Scholarship







Excellence in Research & Teaching

Ram Michael


Joseph Dotan Scholarship

Hadar Greener


Nelis Hensen & Tolpin Solomon Scholarship

Naama Hallakoun


John Bahcall Scholarship

Raz Halifa Levi


Nelis Hensen Scholarship

Tom Levy


Alexander Zaks Scholarship

Jonathan Jeffet

Wladimir Screiber Scholarship

Lior Michaeli


Ann & Moris Cohen & Chaya Rozet Scholarship







Excellence in Studying

Yaniv Amichay


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Noa Feldman


Paul Viderman Scholarship







Excellence in Research and Studying

Aviv Moshe


Getty & Moshe Shechtel Scholarship

Aviv Karnieli


Dov Reibach & Paul Viderman Scholarship







Excellence in Studying and Teaching

Roei Cohen


Paul VIdrman & Chaya Rozet Scholarship







Excellence in Studying BSc

Navot Silberstein


John Bahcall Scholarship







Contribution to the activities of the Astronomical Club

Dalya Baron



Naama Hallokun



Aviad Cohen



Sahar Shahaf









Outstanding effort as head of Laboratory

Avia Raviv-Moshe



Sivan Trajtenberg-Mills









Appreciation for "Tsoadin Yahad" Project

Matar Aviv

Taya Govreen-Segal

Yakir Golibroda


Sharon Vaisman

Navot Silberstein







Students of Third year of BA

Eli Shalev

Guy Bonda

Guy Goren

Sharon Vaisman

David Tamir

Khen Cohen


Yossi Cohen

Tamir Cohen

Amit Nestor

Itay Amit

Uri Peleg

Noam Rimock










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