Winners of Awards of Excellence 2013-2014

updated: 10.08.2017

Winners of Awards of Excellence


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2013-2014


Excellence in Research

Simchon Faigler

Supervised by Zvi Maazeh


John Bahcall Scholarship

Eliyahu Cohen

Supervised by Yakir Aharonov & Lev Vaidman


Shulamit Goldhaber Scholarship

Jonathan Shweitzer

Supervised by Michael Kozlov


Getty Scholarship

Gilad Svirski

Supervised by Ehud Nakar


Getty Scholarship

Tomer Markovitz

Supervised by David Andelman


Getty Scholarship

Shira Chapman

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Dotan Joseph & Moshe Shechtel Scholarship

Ran Bar

Supervised by Benny Reznik


Cohen Avraham & Dvora Scholarship

Omer Ben-Ami

Supervised by Kobbi Zonenshein


Cohen Avraham & Dvora Scholarship

Michal Shaviv

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Yuval Ne'eman Scholarship

Eran Grinberg

Supervised by Moshe Paz -Pasternak


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Yossi Shwartzold

Supervised by Dan Maoz


Clore Scholarship









Excellence in Research & Teaching


Supervised by Eran Rabani


Eisenberg Scholarship

Yuval Tzur

Supervised by Adi Arie


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Nimrod Bachar

Supervised by Guy Deutscher


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Yosseph Hammer

Supervised by Yacov Kantor


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Avi Motil

Supervised by Moshe Tor


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Jacob Fairman

Supervised by Amiel Sternberg


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Micha Korenriech

Supervised by Roy Beck-Barkai


Chaya Rozet Scholarship









Excellence in Teaching & Studying

Avia Raviv

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Paul Viderman & Ann Moris Cohen Scholarship









Excellence in Teaching

Irina Dvorkin

Supervised by Yoel Rephaeli


Getty Scholarship

Adi Ashkenazi

Supervised by Erez Etzion


Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship

Adiel Mayer

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Ann & Moris Cohen Scholarship









Excellence in Studying

Itai Rosink

Supervised by David Shrprintzak


Lavi Yeshayahu Scholarship

Shmuel Biali

Supervised by Amiel Sternberg


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Gilad Svirski

Supervised by Ehud Nakar


Marejn Scholarship






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