Winners of Awards of Excellence 2012-2013

updated: 10.08.2017

Winners of Awards of Excellence


Winners of Awards of Excellence 2012-2013


Research & Achievments

Moshe Ben Shalom

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Isreal Physics Society

Asaf Ben David

Supervised by Nisan Itzhaki


Buchman Scholarship

Erez Zohar

Supervised by Benny Reznik


Adams Scholarship

Shira Chapman

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Minnistry of Sceience

Lev Tal Or

Supervised by Zvi Maazeh


Nehamya Lev Zion Scholarship









Excellence in Research

Alon Ron

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Chaya Rosett Scholarship

Erez Zohar

Supervised by Benny Reznik


Ann & Moris Cohen Shcolarship

Ariel Naos

Supervised by Avrahm Gover


Getty Scholarship

Haggai Landa

Supervised by Benny Reznik


Judah Eisenberg Scholarship

Jonathan Monbaz

Supervised by Erez Etzion


Shulamit Goldhaber Scholarship

Yossi Shwartzold

Supervised by Dan Maoz


Yuval Ne'eman Scholarship

Lev Tal Or

Supervised by Zvi Maazeh


Manny from the Colton Foundation Scholarship

Moshe Ben-Shalom

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Alex de Rothchild Scholarship

Adiel Mayer

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Joshef Dotan & Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Eran Maniv

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Shira Chapman

Supervised by Yaron Oz


Moshe Shechtel Scholarship









Excellence in Research & Teaching

Iftach Silver

Supervised by Erez Etzion


Ann Moris Cohen Scholarship









Excellence in Teaching

Asaf Ben David

Supervised by Nisan Itzhaki


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Ben Rethaus

Supervised by Nisan Itzhaki


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Liron Corkidi

Supervised by Ron Lifshitz


Paul Viderman Scholarship

Michael Krapov

Supervised by Shimshon Barad


Yeshaayhu Lavi Scholarship









Excellence in Teaching & Studying

Eran Sagi

Supervised by Eli Eisenberg


Chaya Rozet Scholarship









Excellence in Studying

Ori Raindhart

Supervised by Moshe Shwartz


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Eyal Korenfeld

Supervised by Eran Sela


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Dorin Vaismann

Supervised by Kobbi Zonenshein


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Micha Korenreich

Supervised by Roy Beck


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Michal Petroshevski

Supervised by Yoram Dagan


Chaya Rozet Scholarship

Tomer Markovitz

Supervised by David Andelman


Chaya Rozet Scholarship










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