Regulations for Submitting PhD Thesis

updated: 09.06.2022

The research student will submit their PhD thesis no longer than the fifth year from the date of acceptance to the PhD studies, along with addressing the following points


Verification of completing obligations

  • Two courses equivalent to six credit hours

  • Department seminar of one credit hour

  • Safety course for each academic year

  • First aid course once



Form of paper 

  • The thesis must be legible and clear and must be edited

  • The thesis must be written as an independent paper, and include all of the material relevant to understanding the research question

  • The thesis must include the background material for the research and the results of the research  in chapters according to the following order:

    Cover page - must appear in English and Hebrew and include all the details in the Cover page example.

    Abstract- must appear in Hebrew and in English

    Table of contents


    Body of Paper

  • The thesis should be submitted in in Times new Roman Font, size 11 and up to 150 pages.

  • A thesis presenting work done in collaboration with other research students or researchers from other research groups (excluding previously published and properly cited results), should include at the beginning a paragraph titled "Author's Contribution", detailing the author's unique contribution to the original results included. The required level of detail depends on the nature of the work.



Printing Instructions (if necessary)

  • According to the regulations of the academic secretariat, a PhD research student receiving a stipend is entitled to financial aid for expenses for printing his or her PhD.

  • The university allows students to print up to ten copies. The student should contact the university print shop (located in main library building) at telephone 03.640.8485 to set up an appointment. At the same time, the student should contact the research student office at telephone 03.640.8161 and request that authorization be forwarded to the print shop.

  • Two copires will be printed at first. The rest of the copies will be printed after corrections have been made.

  • The thesis is to be printed on A4 paper.



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