Prof. Judah Eisenberg - CV
updated: 28.09.2017
Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., December 17, 1938.
Immigrated to Israel:
August 1975.
- A.B. (magna cum laude with distinction in physics), Columbia University, 1958.
- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962.
Primary area of research activity:
Theoretical nuclear physics.
- CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1961.
- Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, 1962–1965.
- Sir Thomas Lyle Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, summer, 1965.
- Associate Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, 1965–1968.
- Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, 1968–1975.
- Visiting Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1969.
- Chairman, Department of Physics, University of Virginia, 1970–1974.
- Incumbent, Giulio Racah Chair of Theoretical Physics as Visiting Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1974–1975.
- Incumbent, Francis Henry Smith Chair of Physics, University of Virginia, 1975–1976.
- Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1975–1998.
- Incumbent, Yuval Ne'eman Chair in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Tel Aviv University, 1983–1998.
- Dean, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 1984–1986.
- Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 1991–1992.
- Vice Rector, Tel Aviv University, 1998.
Societies and honors:
- Phi Beta Kappa
- National Science Foundation Fellow, 1958–1962
- Sigma Xi
- NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, 1965
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Member, Israel Physical Society
- Honorary degree:
- Dr. rer. nat. (h.c.), University of Frankfurt, 1985.
Other professional activities:
- Consultant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1972–1998.
- Member, Program Advisory Committee, Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, 1972–1975.
- Chairman, Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Physics, 1974.
- Member, Editorial Council, Annals of Physics, 1980–1995.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Physics G, 1985–1989.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Modern Physics E, 1986–1998.
- Member, Editorial Board, Modern Physics Letters A, 1986–1998.
- Chairman, Committee of Judges, Landau Prize, 1981–1983.
- Member, Committee of Judges, Weizmann Prize, 1983.
- Chairman, Committee on Research Awards in the Exact Sciences of the Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1988–1991.
- Chairman, Workshop on Parton Production and Transport, European Centre for Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Trento, Italy, 1994.
Thesis supervision:
Guidance of roughly 20 M. Sc. students and roughly 20 doctoral students at the University of Virginia, Hebrew University (in collaboration with Professor A. Gal), and Tel Aviv University.