Congratulation to Dr. Adi Ashkenazi for receiving the Guido Altarelli Award for 2022

Dr. Adi Ashkenazi from the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University

Congratulation to Dr. Adi Ashkenazi for receiving the Guido Altarelli Award for 2022

Guido Altarelli, was one of the founding fathers of QCD, an outstanding communicator of particle physics, and a mentor and strong supporter of Junior Scientists. It is awarded to Junior Scientists for outstanding scientific contributions to the fields covered by the DIS Conference series.


Dr. Adi Ashkenazi was awarded the Altarelli Prize at the DIS meeting on May 6, 2022.


This prize has been awarded since 2016, following the passing of Guido Altarelli in 2015. Though this year was the 7th time this prize was awarded, she is the first experimental female physicist who received this award (Or Hen from MIT who graduated from TAU a few years earlier received the award two years earlier). 


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