Prof. Dror Sadeh - Publications

updated: 28.09.2017



Publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics:


  1. Sadeh, D.; LIvion, M.
    A new X-ray pulsar with a 67-millisecond period in the constellation Equuleus

  2. Ishay, Jacob S.; Sadeh, D.
    The sounds of honey bees and social wasps are always composed of a uniform frequence

  3. Sadeh, D.;Livion, M.
    Fast variations in the period of a pulsar in the X-ray source 1H 1909+096

  4. Sadeh, D.; Byram, E. T.; Chubb, T. A.; Friedman, H.; Hedler, R. L.; Meekins, J. F.; Wood, K.S.; Yentis, D. J.
    Evidence for coherent emission with a 12 millisecond period during a burst from MXB 1728-34

  5. Meidav, M.; Sadeh, D.
    The stability of the pulse intensity of the X-ray pulsar in the Crab Nebula

  6. Sadeh, D.; Meidav, M.; Wood, K.; Yentis, D.; Smarthers, H.; Meekins, J.; Evans, W.; Byram, E. T.; Chubb, T. A.; Friedman, H.
    Semi –periodic pulsations in Circinus X-1

  7. Yentis, D. J.; Wood, K.; Evans, W.; Johnson, W. N.; Meekins, J. F.; Shulman, S.; McNutt, D.; Byram, E.; Chubb, T. A.; Sadeh, D.
    HEAO A-1 sarch for X-ray pulsations from the pulsar PSR 0833-45 in VELA

  8. Sadeh, D.; Smarthers, H.; Wook, K.; Meekins, J.; Yentis, D.; Evans, W.; Byram, E. T.; Chubb, T. Al; Friedman, H.
    Circinus X-1 observations with HEAO A-1

  9. Wook, K.; Kinzer, R. L.; Samimi, J.; Sadeh, D.; Yentis, D.; Meekins, J.; Evans, W.; Share, G.; McNutt, D.; Shulman, S.
    HEAO A-1 observation of X-ray emission from BL Lacertae objects

  10. Nevo, I.; Sadeh, D.
    A search for oscillations in 1  dwarf novae during their outbursts

  11. Sadeh, D.
    Periodic earthquakes in Alaska and Central America

  12. Sadeh, D.; Wood, K.
    Periodicity in lunar seismic activity and earthquakes

  13. Nevo, I.; Sadeh, D.
    Oscillations in KT Per during two outbursts

  14. Sadeh, D., Meidev, M.
    Erratum: 'Search for sidereal periodicity in earthquake occurrences'

  15. Sadeh, D., Meidav M.
    Possible solar effects on earthquake occurrences

  16. Nevo, I.; Sadeh, D.; Frohilch, A.
    A search for optical pulsations from single line spectroscopic binaries

  17. Sadeh, D.; Meidav, M.
    A sidereal period in earthquake occurrences reconfirmed

  18. Nevo, I.; Sadeh, D.; Frohlich, A.
    Search for optical pulsars at the sites of two radio pulsars and two supernovae remnants

  19. Sadeh, D., Meidav, M.
    Search for Sidereal Periodicity in Earthquake Occourrences

  20. Sadeh, D.
    Possible Sidereal Period for the Seismic Lunar Activity

  21. Sadeh, D.
    Periodicities in Seismic Response cuased by Pulsar CP1133

  22. Sadeh, D.
    Physical Sciences: New X-ray Pulsar near the Crab Nebula

  23. Sadeh, D.; Meidav, M.; Smothers, H.; Chubb, T.; Friedman, H.
    A New X-Ray Pulsar Near the Crab Nebula

  24. Smathers, H. W.; Chubb, T. A.; Sadeh, D.
    NP 0532-Observation at 30-100 keV

  25. Sadeh, D.
    Phase variation of a very accurate radio frequency signal due to the solar eclipse

  26. Holliger, J. P.; Hevey, R. H.; Knowles, S. H.; Sadeh, D.; Youmans, A. B.
    Measurements of Pulsar Arrival Times

  27. Sadeh, D.; Au, Benjamin D.
    Daily Variations of the Frequency of a Very Accurate Radio Frequency

  28. Friedman, H.; Fritz, G.; Henry, R. C.; Hollinger, J. P.; Meekins, J. F.; Sadeh, D.
    Absence of Pulsar Characteristics in Several X-ray Sources

  29. Friedman, H.; Fritz, G.; Henry, R. C.; Hollinger, J. P.; Meekins, J. F.; Sadeh, D.
    Absence of Pulsar Characteristics in Several X-ray Sources

  30. Sadeh, D.; Hollinger, J. P.; Knowles, S. H.; Youmans, A. B.
    Search for an Effect of Mass on Frequency during a Close Approach of Pulsar CP 0950 to the Sun

  31. Sadeh, D.; Knowles, S.; Au, Benjamin
    The Effect of Mass on Frequency

  32. Sadeh, D.; Knowles, S. H.; Yaplee, B. S.
    Search for a Frequency Shift of the 21-Centimeter Linke from Taurus A near Occulation by Sun

  33. Sadeh, D.
    Galaxies as Gravitational Lenses

  34. Sadeh, D.; Kane, J.
    A high-energy gamma-ray detector with angular and spectral resolution

  35. Avni, A.; Sadeh, D.
    Monte Carlo calculations for a gamma ray telescope

  36. Sadeh, D.
    Directional gamma ray detector for measuring high energy gamma rays from stars

  37. Laulicht, I.; Pinchas, S.; Sadeh, D.; Samuel, D.
    Effect of 180 on the Infrared Absorption Intensity of the Phosphorus Oxychloride Symmetrical Vibrations

  38. Sadeh, D.
    The spectrum of the central group of neutrons from Po_Be and Pu_Be sources measured by the time-of-flight technique

  39. Sadeh, D.
    A possible decrease in the velocity of radar waves in the vicinity of a mass

  40. Sadeh, D.
    Experimental Evidence fro the Constancy of the Velocity of Gamma Rays, Using Annihilation in Flight

  41. Sadeh, D.
    "Breaks" in the Activatio Curve of the P31(y, n)P30 Reaction

  42. Sadeh, D.
    New "Break" in the 016(y, n)015 Reaction with a New System of Measurement


Publications in Medical Physics:


  1. S. Abboud, D. Sadeh.
    The waveform's alignment procedure in the averaging process for external recording of the His bundle activity.
    Comp. Biomed. Res. 15: 212-219, 1982.

  2. S. Abboud, D. Sadeh.
    The digital filtering process in the external recording of the His bundle activity.
    Comp. Biomed. Res. 15: 418-424, 1982

  3. S. Abboud, B. Belhassen, S. Laniado, D. Sadeh.
    Non invasive recording of late ventricular activity using an advanced method in patients with a damaged mass of ventricular tissue.
    Journal of Electrocardiology, 16(3): 245-252, 1983.

  4. S. Abboud, B. Belhassen, A. Pelleg, S. Laniado, D, Sadeh.
    An advanced non invasive technique for the recording of His bundle potential in man.
    Journal of Electrocardiology, 16(4): 397-402, 1983.

  5. S. Abboud, B. Belhassen, A. Pelleg, S. Laniado, D. Sadeh.
    Non invasive recording of His bundle activity in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
    PACE, 7: 40-45, 1984.

  6. S. Abboud, D. Sadeh.
    The use of cross correlation function for the alignment of ECG waveforms and rejection of extrasystols.
    Comp. Biomed. Res. 17: 258-266, 1984.

  7. O. Govrin, D. Sadeh, S. Akselrod, S. Abboud.
    Cross correlation technique for arrhythmia detection using PR and PP intervals.
    Comp. Biomed. Res. 18: 37-45, 1985.

  8. S. Abboud, I. Bruderman, D. Sadeh.
    Frequency and time domain analysis of air flow breath patterns in patients with COAD.
    Comp. Biomed. Res. 19: 266-275, 1986.

  9. S. Abboud, B. Belhassen, H. Miller, D. Sadeh, S. Laniado.
    High frequency ECG using an advanced method of signal averaging for non invasive detection of CAD in patients with normal conventional ECG.
    Journal of Electrocardiology, 9(4): 371-380, 1986.

  10. S. Abboud, R.J. Cohen, A. Selwyn, P. Ganz, D. Sadeh, P.L. Friedman.
    Detection of transient myocardial ischemia by computer analysis of standard and signal averaged high frequency ECG in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
    Circulation, 76(3): 585-596, 1987.

  11. D. Sadeh, D.C. Shannon, S. Abboud, P.J. Saul, S. Akselrod, R.J. Cohen.
    Defective cardiac repolarization in some victims of sudden infant death syndrome.
    New England Journal of Medicine. 317: 1501-1505, 1987.

  12. S. Abboud, J.M. Smith, B. Shargorodsky, S. Laniado, D. Sadeh, R.J. Cohen.
    High frequency ECG of three orthogonal leads in dogs during a coronary artery occlusion.
    PACE, 12: 574-581, 1989.

  13. S. Abboud, D. Sadeh.
    Spectral analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram.
    Computers in Biology and Medicine, 19(6): 409-415, 1989.

  14. S. Abboud, D. Sadeh.
    Power spectrum analysis of the fetal heart rate variability using the abdominal maternal electrocardiogram.
    Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 12(2): 161-164, 1990.

  15. S. Abboud, R.J. Cohen, D. Sadeh.
    A spectral analysis of the high frequency QRS potentials during acute myocardial ischemia in dogs.
    International Journal of Cardiology, 26: 285-290, 1990.

  16. S. Abboud, G. Barkai, S. Mashiach, D. Sadeh.
    Quantification of the fetal electrocardiogram using averaging technique.
    Computers in Biology and Medicine, 20(3): 147-155, 1990.

  17. S. Abboud, O. Berenfeld, D. Sadeh.
    Simulation of high resolution QRS complex using a ventricular model with a fractal conduction system - effects of ischemia on high frequency QRS potentials.
    Circulation Research, 68(6): 1751-1760, 1991.

  18. S. Abboud, A. Alaluf, S. Einav, D. Sadeh.
    Real time abdominal fetal ECG recording using a hardware correlator.
    Computers in Biology and Medicine. 22(5): 325-335, 1992.

  19. O. Berenfeld, D. Sadeh, S. Abboud.
    Modeling of heart's ventricular conduction system with fractal geometry: spectral analysis of the QRS complex.
    ​Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 21: 125-134, 1993.




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