Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob - Publications
updated: 28.09.2017
Eshel Ben-Jacob - List of Publication Since 2000
- "Evolvement of Uniformity and Volatility in the Stressed Global Financial Village", Kenett,D., Raddant, M., Lux, T., Ben-Jacob, E., ., PLoS ONE Vol. 7(2): e31144 (8 pages)
- "A tale of two stories: Astrocyte Regulation of Synaptic Depression and Facilitation", De Pittà, M., Volman, V., Berry, H., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS Comput. Biol. Vol. 7(12): e1002293. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002293 (2011)
- "Functional Holography and Cliques in Brain activation patterns ", Jacob, Y., Papo, D., Hendler, T., Ben-Jacob, E., in "Brain Imaging" (ISBN 978-953-307-613-3). Publisher: InTech. (2011)
- "Mutually Facilitated Dispersal between the Non-motile Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus and the Swarming Bacterium Paenibacillus vortex", Ingham, C. J., Kalisman, O., Finkelshtein, A., Ben-Jacob, E., PNAS Early edition 10.1073/pnas.1102097108 (2011)
- "Cell Motility Dynamics: A Novel Segmentation Algorithm to Quantify Multi-Cellular Bright Field Microscopy Images", Zaritsky, A., Natan, S., Horev, J., Hecht, I., Wolf, L., Ben-Jacob, E., Tsarfaty, I. PLoS ONE Vol. 6(11): e27593 (2011)
- "Computing with bacterial constituents cells and populations: from bioputing to bactoputing", Norris, V., Zemirline, A., Amar, P., Audinot, J. N., Ballet, P., Ben-Jacob, E., Bernot, G., Beslon, G., Cabin, A. Fanchon, E., Giavitto, J. L., Glade, N., Greussay, G., Kepes, F., Michel, O., Molina, F., Signorini, J., Stano, P., Thierry, A. R., Theory in Biosciences, Vol. 130(3): 211-28. Epub 2011 Mar 8 (2011)
- "Engineered neuronal circuits: A new platform for studying the role of modular topology", Shein-Idelson, M., Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y., Front. Neuroeng. 4:10. Doi:10.3389/fneng.2011.00010 (2011)
- "The natural autoantibody repertoire in newborns and adults: a current overview", Madi, A., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Kenett, D. Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen I. R., a chapter of the book Naturally Occurring Antibodies (Nabs), chapter category: Autoimmunity, Landes Bioscience (2011)
- ”Smart Swarms of Bacteria-Inspired Agents with Performance Adaptable Interactions”, Shklarsh, A. Ariel, G., Schneidman, E. and Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS Comput Biol. 2011 Sep: 7(9): e1002177. Epub 2011 Sep 29 (2011)
- “Global and Local Features of Semantic Networks: Evidence from the Hebrew Mental Lexicon”, Kenett, Y. N., Kenett, D. Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Fuast, M., PLos ONE Vol. 6(8): e23912 (12 pages) (2011)
- “’Self-Assisted’ Amoeboid Navigation in Complex Enviroments”, Hecht, I., Levine, H., Rappel, W. J., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS ONE Vol. 6(8): e21955 (12 pages) (2011)
- “Activated Membrane Patches Guide Chemotactic Cell Motility”, Hecht, I., Skoge, M. L., Charest, P. G., Ben-Jacob, E., Firtel, R. A., Loomis W. f., Levine, H., Rappel, W. J., PLoS Comput Biol Vol. 7(6): e1002044 (8 pages) (2011)
- “The Effect of Nondialyzable Material (NDM) Cranberry Extract on Formation of Contact Lens Biofilm by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Leshem, R., Maharshak, I., Ben-Jacob, E., Ofek, I., Kremer, I., Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. Vol. 52(7), 4929-4934 (2011)
- "Hidden temporal order unveiled in stock market volatility variance", Shapira, Y., Kenett, D.Y., Raviv, O., Ben-Jacob, E., AIP Advances Vol. 1(2), 022127 (14 pages) (2011)
- "Reduced synchronization persistence in neural networks derived from Atm-deficient mice", Levine-Small, N., Yekutieli, Z., Aljadeff, J., Boccaletti, S., Ben-Jacob, E., Barzilai, E. Frontiers in Neuroscience Vol. 5 article 46 pp 1-16 (2011)
- “Smart bacteria”, Ben-Jacob, E., Shapira, Y., Tauber, A. I. in “Chimera and Consciousness. Evolution of the Sensory Self”, chapter 5, page 55. Edited by Margulis, L., Asikainen, C.A. and Krumbein, W.E., The MIT Press, Cambridge Boston (2011)
- "Index cohesive force analysis reveals that the US market became prone to systemic collapses since 2002". Kenett, D. Y., Shapira, Y., Madi, A., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Gur-Gershgoren, G., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS ONE Vol. 6(4): e19378 (8 pages) (2011)
- "Network Theory Analysis of Antibody-Antigen Reactivity Data: The Immune Trees at Birth and Adulthood". Madi, A., Kenett, D.Y., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Merbl, Y., Quintana, F.J., Tauber, A. I., Cohen, I.R., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS ONE Vol 6(3) e17445 (7 pages) (2011)
- "Analyses of antigen dependency networks unveil immune system reorganization between birth and adulthood". Madi, A., Kenett, D.Y., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Merbl, Y., Quintana, F.J., Boccaletti, S. Tauber, A. I., Cohen, I.R., Ben-Jacob, E., Chaos Vol. 21(1) 016109 (11 pages) (2011)
- "Time-frequency characterization of electrocorticographic recordings of epileptic patients using frequency-entropy similarity: A comparison to other bi-variate measures". Gazit, T., Doron, I., Sagher, O., Kohrman, M.H., Towle, V.L., Teicher, M., Ben-Jacob, E ., J. Neuroscience Methods Vol. 194(2) pp 358-373 (2011)
- "Dynamics of stock market correlations". Kenett, D. Y., Shapira, Y., A.Madi, Bransburg-Zabary, S., G.Gur-Gershgoren, Ben-Jacob, E., Czech AUCO economic review, Vol. 4 (3) pp 330-341 (2010)
- "Genome sequence of the pattern forming Paenibacillus vortex bacterium reveals potential for thriving in complex environments". Sirota-Madi, A., Olender, T., Helman, Y., Ingham, C., Brainis, I., Roth, D., Hagi, E., Brodsky, L., Leshkowitz, D., Galatenko, V., Nikolaev, V., Mugasimangalam, R.C., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Gutnick, D.L., Lancet, D., BMC Genomics Vol. 11:710 pp 1-16 (2010)
- "Innate Synchronous Oscillations in Freely-Organized Small Neuronal Circuits". Shein Idelson, M., Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y., PLoS ONE Vol. 5(12) e14443 (2010)
- "Dominating Clasp of the Financial Sector Revealed by Partial Correlation Analysis of the Stock Market". Kenett, D.Y., Tumminello, M., Madi, A., Gur-Gershgoren, G., Mantegna, R.N., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS ONE Vol. 5(12): e15032 (2010)
- "Revealing voxel correlation cliques by functional holography analysis of fMRI". Jacob, Y., Rapson, A., Kafri, M., Baruchi, I., Hendler, T., Ben-Jacob, E., Journal of Neuroscience Methods Vol. 191, pp 126–137 (2010)
- "Lethal protein produced in response to competition between sibling bacterial colonies". Be'er, A., Ariel, G., Kalishman, O., Helman, Y., Sirota-Madi, A., Zhang, H.P., Florin, E.L., Payne, S.M., Ben-Jacob, E., Swinney, H.L., PNAS, Vol. 107(14) pp 6258-6263 (2010)
- "Entropic effect and slow kinetics revealed in titrations of D2O-H2O solutions with different D/H ratios". Katsir, Y., Shapira, Y., Mastai, Y., Dimova, R., Ben-Jacob, E., J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 114 pp 5755-5763 (2010)
- "From network structure to network reorganization: implications for adult neurogenesis". Schneider-Mizell, C. M., Parent, J. M., Ben-Jacob, E., Zochowski, M. Sander, L. M., Phys. Biol. Vol. 7(4) 046008 (2010).
- "Bacteria determine fate by playing dice with controlled odds". Ben-Jacob, E., Schultz, D., PNAS, Vol. 107(30) pp 13197-8 (2010)
- "Nonlinear Gap Junctions Enable Long-Distance Propagation of Pulsating Calcium Waves in Astrocyte Networks". Goldberg, M., De Pittà, M., Volman, V., Berry, H., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoS Comp. Biol. Vol. 6(8): e1000909 (2010)
- "Wrestling model of the repertoire of activity propagation modes in quadruple neural networks". Shteingart, H., , N., Baruchi I., Ben-Jacob, E., Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Vol. 4 (25) (2010)
- "A binary search approach to whole-genome data analysis". Brodsky, L., Kogana, S., Ben-Jacob, E., Nevoa, E., PNAS, Vol. 107(39) pp 16893-16898 (2010)
- "Loss of Intrinsic Organization of Cerebellar Networks in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1: Correlates with Disease Severity and Duration". Solodkin, A., Peri, E., Elinor Chen., E., Ben-Jacob, E., Gomez, C. M., Cerebellum Oct. issue DOI 10.1007/s12311-010-0214-5, Springer (2010)
- “Gene Network Holography of the Soil Bacterium Bacillus subtilis”. Roth, D., Madi, A., Kenett, D.Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Chapter 10, pp 255-280 in G. Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms, Soil Biology Series Vol. 23 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2010)
- "RMT Assessments of the Market Latent Information Embedded in the Stocks’ Raw, Normalized, and Partial Correlations". Kenett, D.Y., Shapira, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., J. Probability and Statistics DOI:10.1155/2009/249370 (2009)
- "Learning from Bacteria about Natural Information Processing." Ben-Jacob, E., Annals of the New York Academy of Science Vol. 1178, pp 78-90 (2009)
- "Cultured Neuronal Networks Express Complex Patterns of Activity and Morphological Memory". , N., Rubinsky, L., Shein, M., Baruchi, I., Volman, V., and Ben-Jacob, E., pp 257-278 in World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex System Vol. 10 : Handbook on Biological Networks, editors: Boccaletti, S., V. Latora, Y. Moreno. World Scientific, Singapore (2009)
- "Deciding fate in adverse times: Sporulation and competence in Bacillus subtilis". Schultz, D., Wolynes, P.G., Ben-Jacob, E., Jose' Onuchic, PNAS, Vol. 106(50) pp 21027-21034 (2009)
- "The Index Cohesive Effect On the Stock Market Correlations". Shapira, Y., Kenett, D., Ben-Jacob, E., European Journal of Physics B EPJB Vol. 72, pp 657-669 (2009)
- "Locally Balanced Dendritic Integration by Short-term Synaptic Plasticity and Active Dendritic Conductances". Volman, V., Levine, H., Ben-Jacob, E., Sejnowski, T.J., J. Neurophysiology Vol. 102, pp 3234-3250 (2009)
- “Reverse engineering of the spindle assembly checkpoint”. Doncic, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Einav, S., Barkai, N., PLoS ONE Vol. 4(8): 6495 (2009)
- "Bacterial Complexity: More is Different on all Levels". Ben-Jacob, E., pp 25-35 In “Systems Biology: The Challenge of Complexity”, Edited by Shigetada Nakanishi, Ryoichiro Kageyama and Dai Watanabe Springer Tokyo (2009)
- "Organization of the autoantibody repertoire in healthy newborns and adults revealed by system level informatics of antigen microarray data". Madi, A., Hecht, I., Bransburg- Zabary, S., Merbl, Y., Pick, A., Zucker-Toledano, M., Francisco, J. Quintana, Tauber, A. I., Cohen, I. R., Ben-Jacob, E., PNAS, Vol. 106(34) pp 14484-14489 (2009)
- "The Formation of Synchronization Cliques During Development of Modular Neural Networks". Fuchs, E., Ayali, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Boccaletti, S., Phys. Biol., Vol. 6(3) 036018 (12 pp) (2009)
- "Glutamate regulation of calcium and IP3 oscillating and pulsating dynamics in astrocytes". De Pittà, M., Goldberg M., Volman V., Berry H., Ben-Jacob E., J. Biol. Phys., Vol. 35(4) pp 383-411 (2009)
This article has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology
Geneviève Dupont: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 4 Sep 2009
- "Deadly competition between sibling bacterial colonies". Be’er, A., Zhang, H., Florin, E.L., Payne, S.M, Ben-Jacob, E., Swinney, H., PNAS Vol. 106(20), pp 428-433 (2009)
This article has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology
Simon Andrews: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 20 Jan 2009
Paul Cotter: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 13 Feb 2009
- "Process entanglement as a neuronal anchorage mechanism to rough surfaces". Sorkin S., Greenbaum A., David-Pur M., Anava S., Ayali A., Ben-Jacob E., Hanein Y., Nanotechnology Vol. 20(1), pp 015101 (2009).
- "Engineered neuronal circuits shaped and interfaced with carbon nanotube microelectrodes arrays". Shein, M., Greenbaum, A., Gabay, T., Sorkin, R., David-Pur, M., Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y. Biomed Microdevices Vol. 11(2), pp 495-501(2009).
- "The regulative role of neurite mechanical tension in network development". Anava S., Greenbaum A., Ben-Jacob E., Hanein Y., Ayali A., Biophysical Journal Vol. 96(4) pp 1661-1670 (2008).
- "Multimodal encoding in a simplified model of intracellular calcium signaling". De Pitta, M., Volman, V., Levine, H., Ben-Jacob, E., Cognitive Processing Vol. 10(1) pp 55-70 (2008).
- "Management of synchronized network activity by highly-active neurons". Shein, M., Volman, V., , N., Hanein, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Biology, Vol. 5(1-13) pp 036001(1)-036001(8) (2008).
- "Carbon nanotube micro-electrodes for neuronal interfacing". Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y., Journal of Materials Chemistry (Highlight) Vol. 18, pp 5181-5186 (2008)
- "The emergence and properties of mutual synchronization in in vitro coupled cortical networks". Baruchi, I., Volman, V., , N., Shein, M., Ben-Jacob, E., European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN) Vol. 28, pp 1825-1835, (2008).
- "Genome Holography: Deciphering Function-Form Motifs from Gene Expression Data". Madi, A., Friedman, Y., Roth, D., Regev, T., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Ben-Jacob, E., PLoSONE, Vol. 3(7) pp 1-14 (2008).
- "Social behavior of bacteria: from physics to complex organization". Ben-Jacob, E., The European Physics Journal B (EPJB) Vol. 65, pp 315-322 (2008).
- "Pulsating–gliding transition in the dynamics of levitating liquid nitrogen droplets". Snezhko, A., Ben-Jacob, E., S Aronson, I., New Journal of Physics Vol. 10(4), pp 043034(1) – 043034(12) (2008).
- "Electrochemical deposition in rf-irradiated solutions – A manifestation of induced long range order?". Katsir, Y., Miller, L., Scolnik, Y., Aharonov, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., ECS Transactions Vol. 11(20), pp 71-81 (2008)
- "Identifying repeating motifs in the activation of synchronized bursts in cultured neuronal networks". , N., Ben-Jacob, E., Journal of Neuroscience methods Vol. 170, pp 96-110 (2008).
- "Coexistence of amplitude and frequency modulations in intracellular calcium dynamics". De Pitta`, M., Volman, V., Levine, H., Pioggia, G., De Rossi, D., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review E Rapid Communication Vol. 77, pp 030903(1) - 030903(4) (2008).
- "Emergence of agent swarm migration and vortex formation through inelastic collisions". Ben-Jacob, E., Grossman, D., Aranson, I. S., New journal of Physics Vol. 10, pp 026036(1) - 026036(11) (2008).
- "Swarming and complex pattern formation in Paenibacillus vortex studied by imagine and tracking cells". Ingham, J., Colin, Ben-Jacob, E., BMC microbiology Vol. 8(36) pp 1-16 (2008)
- "Spatio-temporal motifs 'remembered' in neuronal networks following profound hypothermia". Rubinsky, L., , N., Lavee, J., Frenk, H., Ben-Jacob, E., Neural Networks Vol. 21(9), pp 1232-1237 (2008).
- “Detecting and localizing the foci in human epileptic seizures”. Ben-Jacob, E., Boccaletti, S., Pomyalov A., Procaccia I., Towle, V. L., Chaos Vol. 17(4), pp 043113(1)- 043113(8) (2007).
- “Mapping and assessment of epileptogenic foci using frequency-entropy templates”. Ben-Jacob, E., Doron, I., Gazit, T., Rephaeli, E., Sagher, O., Towle, V.L., Physical Review E Vol. 76, pp 051903(1) – 051903(8) (2007).
- “Correlated phenotypic transitions to competence in bacterial colonies”. Hecht, I., Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H., Physical Review E Rapid Communication Vol. 76, pp 040901(1) - 040901(5) (2007).
- "Target-specific and global effectors in gene regulation by MicroRNA". Levine, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H., Biophysical journal, Vol. 93, pp. L52-L54 (2007).
- "Molecular level stochastic model for competence cycles in Bacillus subtilis". Schultz, D., Ben-Jacob, E., Onuchic, J.N., Wolynes, P., PNAS Vol. 104(45), pp 17582-17587 (2007).
- "Co-emergence of regularity and complexity during neural network development". Fuchs, E., Ayali, A., Robinson, A, Hulata, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Developmental Neurobiology Vol. 67, pp 1802-1814 (2007).
- "The function of intersegmental connections in determining temporal characteristics of the spinal cord rhythmic output". Ayali, A., Fuchs, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen, A., Neuroscience Vol. 147(1), pp 236-246 (2007).
- "Study of hypothermia on cultured neuronal networks using multi-electrode arrays". Rubinsky, L., , N., Baruchi, I., Ben-Jacob, E., Lavee, J., Shein, M., Frenk, H., Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 160(2), pp 288-293 (2007).
- "Electro-chemical and biological properties of carbon nanotube based multi-electrode". Gabay, T., Ben-David, M., Kalifa, I., Sorkin, R., Abrams, Z., Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y., Nanotechnology, Vol. 18(3), pp 035201(1) - 035201(6) (2007).
- “Calcium and Synaptic dynamics underlying rererberatory activity in Neuronal networks”. Volman,V., Gerkin, R.C., Lau, M-P., Ben-Jacob, E., Guo-Qiang Bi. Physical Biology Vol. 4, pp 91-103 (2007).
- "The Astrocyte as a Gatekeeper of Synaptic Information Transfer”. Volman, V., Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H., Neural Computation Vol. 19, pp 303-326 ((2007.
- “Towards Neuro-Memory-Chip: Imprinting multiple memories in cultured neural networks”. Baruchi, I., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review E Rapid Communication Vol. 75, pp 050901(1)- 050901(4) (2007).
- “The Effect of rf-irradiation on electrochemical deposition and its stabilization by nanoparticle doping”. Katsir, Y., Miller, L., Aharonov, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 154(4), pp D249-D259 (2007).
- “Noise resistance in the spindle assembly checkpoint”. Doncic, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Barkai, N., Molecular Systems Biology Vol. 2 Article number 27 pp 1-6 (2006).
- “Time-invariant person-specific frequency templates in human brain activity”. Doron, I., Hulata, E., Baruchi, I., Towle, V.L., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 96, pp 258101(1)- 258101(4) (2006).
- “Harnessing Bacterial Intelligence: A Prerequisite for Human Habitation of Space”. Ben-Jacob, E., Chapter 13 in Beyond Earth: The future of Humans in Space, Edited by Bob Krone, Apogee books (2006).
- “Functional Holography Analysis: Simplifying the complexity of dynamical networks”. Baruchi, I., Grossman, D., Volman, V., Hunter, J., Towle, V. L., Ben-Jacob, E., in Chaos Focus Issue on “Stability and Pattern Formation in Networks of Dynamical Systems” edited by L. Pecora and Boccaletti, S.., Vol.16, pp 015112 (2006).
- “Collective plasticity and individual stability in cultured neural networks”. , N., Volman, V., Ben-Jacob, E., Neurocomputing Vol. 69, pp 1150-1154 (2006).
- "Adult, gender-specific behavior characterized by elevated neuronal functional complexity". Fuchs, E., Hulata, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Ayali A., NeuroReport Vol. 17, pp1153-1158 (2006).
- "Self-engineering capabilities of bacteria". Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H., Journal of the Royal society interface Vol. 3(6), pp 197-214 (2005).
- “Seeking the Foundations of Cognition in Bacteria: From Schrödinger’s Negative Entropy to Latent Information”. Ben-Jacob, E., Shapira, Y., Tauber, A. I., Physica A Vol. 359, pp 495-524, (2005).
- "Topological classification of biological computing networks". Blinder, P., Baruchi, I., Volman, V., Levine, H., Baranes D., Ben-Jacob, E., J. Natural Computing Vol. 4(4), pp 339-361 (2005).
- "Self-regulated complexity in neural networks". Hulata, E., Volman V., Ben-Jacob, E., J. Natural Computing Vol. 4(4), pp 363-386 (2005).
- “Bacteria harnessing complexity”. Ben-Jacob, E., Aharonov, Y., Shapira, Y., Biofilms Vol. 1, pp 239–263 (2005).
- “Evaluating putative mechanisms of the mitotic spindle checkpoint". Doncic, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Barkai, N., PNAS, Vol. 102, pp 6332–6337 (2005).
- "Manifestation of function-follow-form in cultured neuronal networks". Volman, V., Baruchi, I., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Biology Vol. 2, pp 98-110 (2005).
- "Functional Holography of Complex Networks Activity from Cultures to the Human Brain". Baruchi, I., Towle, V.L., Ben-Jacob, E., Complexity Vol. 10(3), pp 38-51 (2005).
- "Engineered self-organization of neural networks using carbon nanotube clusters". Gabay, T., Jakobs, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Hanein, Y., Physica A Vol. 350(2-4), pp 611–621 (2005).
- "A Two-phase growth strategy in cultured neuronal networks as reflected by the distribution of neurite branching angles". Shefi O., Golebowicz, S., Ben-Jacob E., Ayali, A., Journal of Neurobiology Vol. 62(3), pp 361-368 (2005).
- "Controlling an Oscillating Jackson-Type Network Having State-Dependent Service Rates". Arazi, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Yechiali, U., Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 62(3), pp 453-466 (2005).
- “Meaning-Based Natural Intelligence vs. Information-Based Artificial Intelligence”. Ben-Jacob, E., Shapira, Y., In "Cradle of Creativity" edited by Chemi Ben-Noon, Shaarei Mishpat, Israel. (2004).
- “Des fleurs de Bacteries”. Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H. in Les formes de la vie, Pour La Science pp 78-83 (2004).
- “Bacterial Linguistic Communication and Social Intelligence”. Ben-Jacob, E., Becker, I., Shapira, Y., Levine, H., Trends in Microbiology Vol. 12(8), pp 366-372 (2004).
- “Bridging Genetic Netowrks and Queuing Theory”. Arazi, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Yechiali, U., Physics A Vol. 332, pp 585-616 (2004).
- "Functional Holography of Recorded Neuronal Networks Activity". Baruchi, I., Ben-Jacob. E., Neuroinformatics Vol. 2(3), pp 333-352, (2004).
- "Self-regulated homoclinic chaos in neural networks activity". Volman, V., Baruchi I., Ben-Jacob. E., Experimental Chaos, Edited by Boccaletti S. et al., American Institute of Physics, Melville NY ,pp 197-209 (2004)
- "Modeling of Synchronized Bursting Events: The Importance of in homogeneity". Persi, E., Horn, D., Volman, V., Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Neural Computation Vol. 16, pp 2577-2595 (2004)
- "Contextual Regularity and Complexity of Neuronal Activity: from Stand-Alone Cultures to Task-Performing Animals". Ayali A., Fuchs E., Zilberstein Y., Shefi O., Hulata E., Baruchi I., Ben-Jacob, E., Complexity, Vol. 9(6), pp 25-32, (2004).
- "Engineered Self Organization in natural and man-made Systems". , N., Gabay, T., Katsir, Y., Shapira Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, Edited by Bergman D. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp 187-205, (2004).
- "Physical schemata underlying biological pattern formation-examples, issues and strategies". Levine H., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Biology Vol. 1, pp 14-22 (2004).
- "Biophysical constraints on neuronal branching." Shefi, O., Harel, A., Chklovskii, D.B., Ben-Jacob, E., Ayali, A., Neurocomputing Vol. 58-60, pp 487-495 (2004).
- "Self-Regulated Complexity in Cultured Neuronal Networks". Hulata, E., Baruchi, I., Segev, R., Shapira, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 92(19), pp 198105(1)-198105(4), (2004).
- "Neural modeling of synchronized bursting events". Persi, E., Horn, D., Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Volman. V., Neurocomputing Vol. 58, pp 179 –184 (2004).
- "Hidden Neuronal Correlations in Cultured Networks". Segev, R., Baruchi, I., Hulata, E. & Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 92(11), pp 118102(1)-118102(4) (2004).
- "Generative Modeling of Regulated Activity in Cultured Neuronal Networks". Volman, V., Baruchi, I., Persi, E., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A Vol. 335, pp 249-278 (2004).
- “Communication - Based Regulated Freedom of Response in Bacterial Colonies”. Ben-Jacob, E., Shapira, Y., Becker, I., , N., Volman, V., Hulata, E., and Baruchi, I., Physica A Vol. 330, pp 218-231 (2003).
- “Bursts of sectors in expanding bacterial colonies as a possible model for tumor growth and metastases”. Ron, I. G., Golding, I., Mercer, B. L., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A Vol. 320, pp 485-96 (2003).
- “Bacterial Self-Organization: Co-Enhancement of Complexification and Adaptability in a Dynamic Environment”. Ben-Jacob, E., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Lond. A Vol. 361, pp 1283-1312 (2003). Theme volume of 2002 Nobel Symposium on "Self-organization: the quest for the origin and evolution of structures".
- “Evolvable Hardware: Genetic Search in a Physical Realm”. , N., Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A Vol. 326, pp 265-285 (2003).
- "Formation of Electrically Active Clusterized Neural Networks". Segev, R., Benveniste, M., Shapira, Y., Ben-Jacob. E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 90(16), pp 168101(1)-168101(4) (2003).
- "Long term behavior of lithographically prepared in vitro neuronal networks". Segev, R., Benveniste, M., Hulata, E., Cohen, N., Palevski, A., Kapon, E., Shapira, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 88(11), pp 118102(1)-118102(4) (2002).
- "A Method for spike sooting and detection based on wavelet packets and shannons mutual information". Hulata, E., Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Journal of Neuroscience methods Vol. 117(1), pp 1-12 (2002).
- "Morphological characterization of in vitro neural networks". Shefi, O., Golding,I., Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Ayali, A., Physical Review Vol. 66(2 pt 1), pp 021905(1)-021905(5) (2002).
- "Sub-Micromorphology of the epicuticle of hornets: AFM studies". Ishay, JS., Litinetsky, L., Pertsis, V., Barkay, Z., Ben-Jacob, E., Journal of electron microscopy Vol. 51(1), pp 79-86 (2002).
- "Growth morphology of two-dimensional insect neural networks". Shefi, O., Ben-Jacob, E., Ayali, A., Neurocomputing, Vol. 44-46, pp 635-643 (2002).
- "Self-Organization of two-dimensional insect neural networks". Ayali, A., Shefi, O., Ben-Jacob, E., In: Experimental Chaos 2001. (EdBoccaletti, S., S. Gluckmam, B. J. Kurths, J. Pecora, L. M. and Spano, M. L.). American Institute of Physics Vol. 622, pp 465-475 (2002).
- "When order comes naturally". Ben-Jacob, E., Nature, Vol. 415, pp 370 (2002).
- "A Quantitative study of the dynamics of adaptive mutations appearance". Golding, I., Drossel, B., Shapira, Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A, Vol. 294, pp 195-212 (2001).
- "The Artistry of nature". Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H., Nature Vol. 409, pp 985-986 (2001).
- "Observations and modeling of synchronized bursting in two-dimensional neural networks". Segev, R., Shapira, Y., Benveniste, M., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review E Vol. 64, pp 011920(1)-011920(9) (2001).
- "Spontaneous synchronized bursting in2D neural networks". Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A Vol. 302, pp 64-69 (2001).
- "Atomic force pulling: probing the local elasticity of the cell membrane". Scheffer, L., Bitler, A., Ben-Jacob, E., Kornstein, R., European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics letters Vol. 30(2), pp 83-90 (2001).
- "Biofluiddynamics of lubricating bacteria". Cohen, I., Golding, I., Ron, G., Ben-Jacob, E., Mathematical Methods in the applied science Vol. 24(17-18), pp 1429-1468 (2001).
- "Chemical waves and internal energy during cooperative self-wiring of neural nets". Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Neurocomputing Vol. 38-40, pp 875-879 (2001).
- "Generic modeling of chemotactic based self-wiring of neural networks". Segev, R., Ben-Jacob, E., Neural Networks Vol. 13(2), pp 185-199 (2000).
- "Bacterial cooperative organization under antibiotic stress". Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen, I., Golding, I., Gutnick, D., Tcherpakov, M., Helbing, D., Ron, I., Physica A Vol. 282, pp 247-282 (2000).
- "Detection and sorting of neural spikes using wavelet packets". Hulata, E., Segev, R., Shapira,Y., Benveniste, M., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters Vol. 85, pp 4637-4640 (2000).
- "Cooperative self-organizations of microorganisms". Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen, I., Levine, H., Advances in Physics Vol. 49(4), pp 395-554 (2000).
- "Modeling branching and chiral colonial patterning of lubricating bacteria". Ben-Jacob, E., Cohen, I., Golding, I., Kozovsky, Y., Mathematical Models for Biological pattern information, IMA Vol. 121, pp 211-254 (2000).
- "From branching to nebula patterning during colonial development of the Paenibacillus alvei bacteria". Cohen, I., Ron, I. G., Ben-Jacob, E., Physica A, Vol. 286(1-2), pp 321-336 (2000).
- "Conformation changes and folding of proteins mediated by Davidov's soliton". Caspi, S., Ben-Jacob, E., Physical Review Letters, Vol. 272 (1-2), pp 124-129 (2000).