Particle Physics Seminar: String derived Z' model at an Upgraded Superconducting Super Collider

Faraggi Alon, liverpool

12 December 2024, 12:00 
Shenkar Building, Holcblat Hall 007 
Particle Physics Seminar


The future of collider physics is under investigation. With the High Luminosity LHC program lasting until the late 2030s, the next machine in the energy frontier is envisioned to appear in 40--50 years, which may be too far into the future to sustain the field. In this paper we explore the physics potential of an Upgraded Superconducting Super Collider (USSC). The Original Superconducting Super Collider (OSSC) was planned to operate at 20TeV beam energy, and with improved contemporary magnet technology and/or longer tunnel, one may envision that it can be extended to 25--30TeV beam energy. Given that the decision on the OSSC construction took place in Autumn 1988 and it was planned to start operation in the 1996-1999 period, an USSC can be constructed 10-15 years from decision and fill the gap between the end of HL-LHC and the future envisioned machines. While the main mission of the USSC will be to test the Standard Model and its electroweak and strongly interacting sectors, it will have substantial capacity for discovery of new physics in the 5-15TeV  range. As a specific example we illustrate the invariant mass distribution at NNLO in QCD for a 5 TeV Z′ in the string derived Z′ model.



Seminar Organizer: Dr. Michael Geller

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