Eisenberg memorial colloquium: A Deep Dive into Neutrino Waves

Prof. Janet Conrad, MIT 

11 June 2017, 14:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Physics Colloquium


Prof. Janet Conrad is a guest of The Emilio Segre Distinguished Lectures in Physics of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation.



Our Standard Model of Particle Physics is a highly successful, self-consistent description of the properties and interactions of particles.   Nevertheless, it is only a model and not a theory, because of the large number of arbitrary inputs.    As a result of this, and other peculiar features of the "Standard Model Picture,"  physicists think that there must be some larger theory, of which the Standard Model is a part.  This leads us to be on the constant look out for Beyond Standard Model effects.   The first Standard Model particles that have demonstrated unexpected behavior are the neutrinos.   They have exhibited a quantum mechanical effect known as oscillations. Once you have seen one unexpected effect, it only makes sense to look for more!   And it is turning out that the neutrino oscillation waves are are rich environment for our search.    This talk will review neutrino oscillations, discuss present puzzles, and consider the future of neutrino oscillation physics.



Event Organizer: Prof. Marek Karliner