LMI & IEEE Photonics Israel Special Seminar: Maximising the capacity of optical networks – how far have come and what else can we do?

Prof. Polina Bayvel, Head of the Optical Networks Group, (Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering), UCL

09 February 2025, 11:30 
Broadcom 001, Faculty of Engineering 
LMI Seminar



Optical fibre networks underpin the global communications infrastructure, carrying >95% of all digital data.  These optical networks operate on different time- and distance- scales – spanning long- distances (trans-oceanic, inter-satellite) and inter-city, as well as interconnecting servers and GPUs within data centres. The challenge for next-generation networks is in making them intelligent and adaptable to changes in demand and applications in the future. 


Advancing AI and scientific research requires optimizing optical networks from the component through to the physical network layer. The physical topology and nonlinear properties of the optical fibre form a key bottleneck affecting achievable throughput in these networks. Optimising the throughput involves solving two NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problems: (i) the physical topology design problem and (ii) the routing and wavelength assignment problem by including the physical properties in ultrawideband optical network design – through and for artificial intelligence. 


This talk will consider both of these challenges and their influence the maximum achievable throughput – a vital objective for the future scaling of AI algorithms. 




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