Experimental Particle Physics
Faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in the Department conduct experimental research in central areas in the field of particle physics, including:
Physics beyond the Standard Model
Searches for new particles at the energy and intensity frontiers
Rare decays
Precision measurements
The structure of the proton and hadronic interactions
Development of the next generation of particle detectors
These experiments are performed both at Tel Aviv University and at large international facilities:
At Tel Aviv University:
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is our largest area of experimental research. Current research involves searches for new prompt and long-lived particles in a variety of signatures, multi-parton interactions, Higgs physics and BSM Higgs searches, development of new trigger algorithms, and development, testing, and installation of the upgraded endcap muon trigger chambers.
At Fermilab:
Research focuses on the luminosity measurement, construction of the forward calorimeter, production of a polarized positron beam and polarimetery.
At Jefferson Lab:
Symmetry tests in β decay
The BABAR experiment. Research focuses on searches for long-lived particles and rare decays of charm and bottom mesons.
Furthermore, our faculty members hold or have recently held leadership positions within these organizations, specifically, working-group conveners, physics coordinator, publications committee chair, and spokesperson.
Please see specific information in the personal pages of the faculty.