History of Jewish Astronomy

updated: 13.05.2014

  •  "It Started with Abraham" ,published in Tel-Aviv University News, Winter 1996-7

  • Jewish Astronomy, from ancient to modern times - "Astronomy in Israel: from Og's Circle to the Wise Observatory", by Prof. Yuval Ne'eman 
    ​Published in Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects (Proc. IAU 72nd Colloquium, Haifa, 1982), Mario Livio and Giora Shaviv, eds., #101 Proceedings (D. Reidel, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1983), p. 323-330. 

  • Jewish Astronomy in Spain - "Astronomy in Sefarad" , by Prof. Yuval Ne'eman *, appeared in The Nearest Active Galaxies, J. Beckman, L. Colina and H. Netzer eds., series "Nueva Tendencias", (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, 1993), p. 279-286. Reissued as brochure at the inauguration of The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Institute of Astronomy, 1 December 1994. 

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