Former Researchers & Students

updated: 07.01.2024




Research Topic

Aharon Danor

Mazeh Tsevi


Angeloni Rodolfo

Contini Marcella

Dust and gas spectra in symbiotic stars

Alexander Tal

Netzer Hagai

Role of Stars in Broad Line Emissions of AGN

Almog Uri

Sternberg Amiel

Ultraviolet Emission from Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen

Almog Yael

Netzer Hagai

Helium abundance in HII regions

Almoznino Elhanan

Brosch NoahNetzer Hagai

  • Star formation in late type dwarf galaxies: Relations between history and rate of star formation and observational parameters. Morphology of H II regions in the galaxies and influence of cluster environment on the overall star formation rate.

  • Contents of dust in starburst galaxies, the effect of the surrounding dust on the appearance of the burst stellar population in small and large galaxies.

  • TAUVEX project


Arieli Yinon

Rephaeli Yoel

Hydrodynamical simulation & non-thermal phenomenas in galaxies & clusters

Balila Ohad

Netzer Hagai

Sternberg Amiel

Accretion Massive Black Holes

Barbarino Cristina

Iair Arcavi, Nakar Ehud


Baron Dalya

Netzer Hagai

Feedback in active galactic nuclei

Bar-Or Eyal

Levinson Amir

Netzer Hagai

Continuum Spectrum of AGN's

Barzilay Yudith

Levinson Amir

Structure of relativistic outflows from collapsar disk

Ben-Zion Shachar

Leibowitz Elia

Cataclysmic Variable Stars

Bialy Shmuel

Sternberg Amiel

Star-formation in the Early Universe

Bilenko Benny

Brosch Noah

Beck Sara

Blue compact galaxies in voids

Boger Gai

Sternberg Amiel

Molecule Formation in the Interstellar Medium

Bromberg Omer

Levinson Amir

Hydrodynamics and Collisionless shocks in high energy gases interactions

Capellupo Daniel

Netzer Hagai

  • Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and quasars

  • Quasar accretion disk outflows

Castello-Mor Nuria

Netzer Hagai

Active Galactic Nuclei

Chelouche Doron

Netzer Hagai

Highly ionized gas & the UV X-ray connection in AGN's

Choi Young-Jun

Brosch Noah

Prialnik-Kovetz Dina

Kuiper Belt objects

Cohen Alon

Sternberg Amiel

Star formation regions

Contini Thierry


Starburst galaxies

Curtis Keren-Or

Maoz Dan

Write Dwarfs

Daniels Julian

Brosch Noah

Faust observations of UV sources

Devor Jonathan

Mazeh Tsevi

  • Analysis of eclipsing binary star systems - developing algorithms that take into account stellar tides, reflections and relativistic effects (BEER)

  • Finding the distribution of fundamental stellar properties

  • Creating pipelines for cataloging Kepler and CoRoT light curves


Drukier Gavriel

Mazeh Tsevi

Extrasolar planets and globular star clusters

Dzigan Yifat

Broadhurst Tom

Barkana Rennan

Strong lensing of cluster members

Dvorkin Irina

Rephaeli Yoel

Hierachical Formation of Galaxy Clusters

Eldar Avigdor

Levinson Amir

Internal shock model of blazar variability

Evenstein Reut

Rephaeli Yoel

Properties of C D galaxy

Faerman Yakov

Sternberg Amiel

Dwarf galaxies and the galactic corona

Faran Tamar

Poznanski Dovi

Core Collapse Supernovae

Fialkov Anastasia

Barkana Rennan

21-cm cosmology

Fian Carina

Shai Kaspi

Gravitational Lensing of Quasars

Finkelman Ido

Brosch Noah

Netzer Hagai

Dust and Ionized Gas in E/S0 Galaxies

Friedmann Matan

Maoz Dan


Gal-Yam Avishay

Maoz Dan

Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters

Gilkis Avishai

Iair Arcavi, Maoz Dan

Stellar Evolution and Supernovae

Giveon Uri

Maoz Dan

Long-Term Variability Properties of the Palomar-Green Quasars

Globus Noemie

Levinson Amir

  • Energy extraction of Kerr Black Holes

  • Acceleration and collimation of relativistic jets

  • Acceleration and propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

Goldberg Dorit

Mazeh Tsevi

Secondary-mass-distribution of spectroscopic binaries

Goldshmidt Oleg

Rephaeli Yoel

Nonthermal Phenomena in Clusters & Starburst Galaxies

Gomel Roy

Mazeh Tsevi

Discovery of dormant black holes in short-period binaries

Gorbykov Evgeny

Brosch Noah

Beck Sara

Wide-field ground-based observations in support of TAUVEX

Gottlieb Ore

Nakar Ehud

Gamma-ray bursts

Gnat Orly

Sternberg Amiel

Evolution & Properties of Gas in Cosmological Minihalos and the Intergalactic Medium

Granot Alon

Nakar Ehud

SNe Breakout

Graur Or

Maoz Dan


Green Matthew

Maoz Dan

Evolution of Compact Binary Stars

Hall Rony

Mazeh Tsevi


Hallakoun Na'ama

Maoz Dan

Companions and debris around white dwarfs

Harrison Richard


High energy astrophysics - GRBs, Supernovae and relativistic outflows hydrodynamical simulations

Heller Anna

Brosch Noah

Leibowitz Elia

LSB dwarf galaxies

Hemar Shirley

Leibowitz Elia

Optical Light Curve of Black Hole Candidates

Hoczer Tomer

Mazeh Tsevi

  • X-ray spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei Outflow

  • Extra-solar planets

Hoory Efi

Mazeh Tsevi

The eclipse of the star KH15D

Horsh Assaf

Maoz Dan


Irwin Christopher

Nakar Ehud

High-energy theory, shocks, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts

Kagan Daniel

Nakar Ehud

Relativistic reconnection

Kaspi Shai

Netzer Hagai

Actice Galactic nuclei - broad line region size, black hole mass, and luminosity relations

Kiefer Flavien

Mazeh Tsevi

  • Binary stars

  • Exoplanets

  • Spectroscopy

  • Photometry

Kovo-Kariti Orly

Beck Sara

Massive Star Formation in Galaxies

Kozyreva Alexandra


  • Supernova physics

  • Stellar evolution

Krymolowski Yuval

Mazeh Tsevi

Long-Term modulations in hierarchical triple systems

Lam Marco

Iair Arcavi, Maoz Dan

White dwarfs and data reduction software development

Lani Caterina


  • Galaxy formation and evolution

  • Active galactic nuclei and star formation in the high redshift Universe

  • The link between galaxy structure and environment at high redshift from UKIDSS UDS

Laor Ari

Netzer Hagai

Continuum Emission of AGN

Leitus Ilya

Levinson Amir

Relativistic bursts dissipation modeling

Lemze Doron

Rephaeli Yoel

Barkana Rennan

Broadhurst Tom

Netzer Hagai

Cluster mass profiles from Lensing;X-ray & S-Z Measurements

Lev Tal-Or

Mazeh Tsevi

Extrasolar planets

Li Wenxiong

Iair Arcavi, Nakar Ehud

Time-domain astronomy

Lipkin Yiftah

Leibowitz Elia

Photometric study of the Nova V6333 Sgr.

Lozoun Yoram

Rephaeli Yoel

CMB anisotropy induced by the S-Z effect

Lubelchick Natalie

Poznanski Dovi

The progenitors of Type Ib/c supernovae

Makrygianni Lydia

Iair Arcavi, Benny Trakhtenbrot

Nuclear transients associated with SMBHs, including TDEs and unusual/extreme activity of AGN

Maoz Dan

Netzer Hagai


Mamou Joshua

Rephaeli Yoel

Non thermal spectra from NGC253

Marianer Tom

Poznanski Dovi

Searching for Gravitational Waves with Machine Learning

Markus Barak

Mazeh Tsevi

Extrasolar Planets

McQuillan Amy


  • Stellar Rotation and Variability

  • Time Series Analysis

  • Extra-Solar Planets

Medezinski Elinor

Rephaeli Yoel

Broadhurst Tom

Observations of Clusters of Galaxies

Mendelson Haim

Mazeh Tsevi

Photometric Study of Massive X-Ray Binaries

Mikoulizky Ziv

Levinson Amir

Monte-Carlo simulation of relativistic radiation dominated shocks

Mirmelstein Mark

Maoz Dan


Mor Rivay

Netzer Hagai

The AGN-Starburst connection in high lumenosity AGN's

Moran Amit

Mazeh Tsevi

Photometry with WHAT - Field #296


Morandi Andrea

Rephaeli Yoel

  • X-ray, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and lensing observations of galaxy clusters to gain insight into intracluster medium, dark matter and cosmological parameters.

  • Theoretical modeling of the reionization of the universe, and analysis of related observations.


Naaman Meirav

Netzer Hagai

Brosch Noah


Nachmani Gil

Mazeh Tsevi

Search for Extrasolar Planets

Naoz Smadar

Barkana Rennan

High-z 21cm fluctuations

Neistein Eyal

Maoz Dan

Tully-Fisher Relation for S0 Galaxies

Netanel Eisenberg

Nakar Ehud

Hiden jets in CCSNe

Ney Addie

Mazeh Tsevi

Light Curve of AM-Herculis

Nordon Raanan

Sternberg Amiel

Netzer Hagai

  • Galaxy formation and their super-massive black holes co-evolution

  • Star formation at high redshifts

  • Stellar coronae and X-ray flares

  • Infrared astronomy

  • X-ray spectroscopy

Noter Shay

Barkana Rennan

Cosmic variance of galaxies

Ofek Eran

Maoz Dan

Cosmological applications of gravitational lensing

Ofir Aviv

Hatzes Artie

Beck Sara

Search for Planets in Eclipsing Binary Systems

Oron Assaf

Rephaeli Yoel

Approximation to Relativistic Comptonization in Clusters

Palit Ishika

Nakar Ehud, Omer Bromberg


Panahi Aviad

Shay Zucker

Searching for transiting exoplanets in Gaia's photometric data

Pick Guy

Levinson Amir

Spark gap in black hole magnetospheres

Polishook David

Brosch Noah

Prialnik-Kovetz Dina

Asteroids & Meteors, Spaceguard


Poznanski Dovi

Maoz Dan


Raban David

Broadhurst Tom

VLT Measurements of the gas temperature profile of A1689,
via Compton scattering of light from the central galaxy


Radai Yaron

Rephaeli Yoel

Non-thermal phenomena in clusters of galaxies: 
modeling and cosmological impact


Rashkovan Viki

Brosch Noah

Neural-Network Classification of Galaxies in Cluster


Sternberg Amiel

Analytical models of galaxy formation

Reis Itamar

Poznanski Dovi

21cm signal from cosmic dawn / Data mining large spectroscopic surveys

Reiss Tomer

Benny Trakhtenbrot

Spectral features of powerful accrreting supermassive black holes in the local Universe

Retter Alon

Leibowitz Elia

Classical Nova Systems

Rodriguez Osmar

Maoz Dan

Supernovae as distance indicators

Saar Amir

Rephaeli Yoel

Clustering properties of magnetic monopoles

Sagi Eran

Nakar Ehud

Particle acceleration efficiency in relativistic shocks

Schijvarg Shmuel

Brosch Noah

Podolak Morris

Observations of High Altitude Meteors

Shahaf Sahar

Mazeh Tsevi

Binary stars and exoplanets

Sharon Keren

Maoz Dan

Evolution of baryons & dark matter in clusters of galaxies

Shemi Amotz

Ben-Zion Kozlovsky

Cosmic fireballs &  -ray bursts
TAUVEX project


Shemmer Ohad

Netzer Hagai

Black Hole Mass, Accretion Rate, and Metal Abundances in Active Galactic Nuclei

Shochat Stephen 

Netzer Hagai


Shporer Avi

Mazeh Tsevi

Extra solar planets

Shussman Tomer

Nakar Ehud

Light curves of supernovae

Shvartzvald Yossi

Maoz Dan

The abundance of planetary systems in the Galaxy

Singh, Chandra B.

Omer Bromberg

Black hole accretion-ejection phenomena: theory and simulations, relativistic fluid hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, dynamics of relativistic jets

Sirotkin Alexander

Benjamini Yoav

Brosch Noah

INES Data Mining

Slone Oren

Netzer Hagai

Accretion disks in AGNs

Sokol Gil

Mazeh Tsevi

Kepler and Corrot light curve

Spector Oded


Isolated Galaxies

Spiegelglas Jonathan

Mazeh Tsevi

Kepler and Corrot light curve

Steindling Susanna

Brosch Noah

Netzer Hagai

Exragalactic Stroemgren Photometry - evolution of cluster galaxies

Stupp Amnon

Kozlovsky Ben-Zion

  • Gama-ray Spectrum from SN1987

  • Gyrosynchrotron Microwave Emission from Solar Flares


Svirski Gilad

Nakar Ehud

Soft gamma-repeaters

Tommasin Silvia

Sternberg Amiel

Netzer Hagai

  • Role of Black Holes and Star Formation Processes in Active Galaxies

  • Infrared Spectroscopy


Trakhtenbrot Benny

Netzer Hagai

Evolution of Super-Massive Black Holes in AGN

Tsodikovich Yevgeny

Mazeh Tsevi

Triple stellar systems

Vadai Yishay

Poznanski Dovi

Lyman-Alpha Forest

Van Hoven Maarten



Weingarten Carmiya

Brosch Noah

Leibowitz Elia

Star forming low surface brightness galaxies in voids

Yankovitch Doron

Rephaeli Yoel

Determination of the Hubble constant from S-Z and X-ray measurements

Zeilig-Hess Meir

Levinson Amir

Numerical simulations of multi-flows near black holes

Zilka Miri

Sternberg Amiel

Star-formation in the Galactic Center

Zitrin Adi

Rephaeli Yoel

Broadhurst Tom

Strong Lensing

Zoran Oren

Barkana Rennan

Star formation in the HDF

Zucker Shay

Mazeh Tsevi

A large survey of G-type stars in search of planets




Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040, Tel Aviv 6997801